
I just contacted my representatives in Congress and the Senate because although Bernie won my home state all three of my representatives are backing Hillary. If you’re from a state which the people said Sanders but the superdelegates are still saying Clinton I urge you to contact them and ask them to stand with the people and switch their support to Bernie because every superdelegate that switches over to Bernie strengthens our momentum going into New York and into the delegate rich Tuesday after that.

Just today Senator Merkley of Oregon switched his support to Senator Sanders and wrote this piece for the New York Times. We’re on the verge of something big! Lets not sit back and let it play out because if we do odds are this rare opportunity will slip through our fingers. You can contact your representatives via the links below.

U.S. Senate     U.S. House of Representatives

Every single Democratic superdelegate, in one chart

Here’s a template based off of what I just sent to my representatives. You are welcome to customize if you don’t want to write an email from scratch:

Dear …,

I am disappointed that as a superdelegate you have not switched your support to Senator Sanders considering he defeated Secretary Clinton in the … Primary/Caucus. I urge you to reconsider and to stand with the majority of … voters by switching your support to Senator Sanders. Polls have repeatedly shown that Senator Sanders is a stronger candidate in the general election and as you know we can’t risk a low voter turnout and losing the White House to a Republican candidate that won’t even acknowledge climate change is a problem let alone take decisive action to curb it. Lets not just keep the White House in sane and progressive hands but also win back the Senate and gain seats in the Congress.

Please support Senator Bernie Sanders and urge other superdelegates from … along with those from other states won by Senator Sanders to do the same.
